tutorial | use me | live interface | documentation | developer's corner | links | contact


Our vision is to make human-computer interaction natural and help construct the semantic web. Speagram is meant as a communication tool to bridge the conceptual gap between the natural thinking of a human being and the way computers need to be programmed or queried.

What Speagram is as a mathematical object and as a software system reveals how it can work as a powerful parser, functional programming language and logic tool.

You can try Speagram now as a programmer in your own (standard or web) applications.
(Take note that this is still an alpha version.)

Our online interactive tutorial is a gentle step-by-step introduction to using Speagram as a parser and/or a programming language. Without leaving our website you can execute the tutorial examples and even experiment by editing them on your own.

Our live interface allows you to write in Speagram online and keep your files on our server. Feel free to test and experiment. You don't need to download or install anything to interact with Speagram.

The developer's corner is a place where we describe the current status of the project including known bugs to iron out, and a general to-do vision for the nearest future.

Our links page discusses how other projects (including our favourite parser generators and programming languages) are related to Speagram and why Speagram is an important addition to the previously existing software resources for developers.

Speagram is open-source software distributed under the BSD licence.

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